Belt conveyors
Belt conveyors
The use of belt conveyors
Conveyor for a warehouse: the optimal solution for the imlementation of a variety of tasks for the movement of goods within the warehouse, as well as for the shipment of goods through the reception ramp of warehouse space.
Properly assembled transport line in the warehouse solves the tasks of moving cargo with minimal participation of living labor.
Belt conveyors in warehouses are used both for moving the goods themselves and for moving the boxes.
In terms of the use of conveyor equipment, for moving goods inside of warehouses the speed of picking and sending cargo increases significantly.
Belt conveyors work at wide variety of manufacturing plants: equipment manufacturing, production of pellets or wood chips,recycling of waste, they are used to transport various materials participating in various stages of the production cycle itself, moving finished products.
The most often used device in agriculture and animal husbandry is belt conveyor.Being a simple and reliable device, the conveyor reduces the proportion of manual labor thereby reducing the cost of the final product.
Application areas of belt conveyors: moving grain at elevators, transportation of feed and waste disposal on farms, the movement of agricultural products from the place of harvest to the place of storage.
Production and relocation of many types of building materials are based on the scheme using belt conveyors.
Sand, cement, building mixtures, asphalt and also lumpy constraction materials: all this is moved at the enterprises for the production and packaging of building materials using belt conveyors.

Selection of belt conveyors type
Selection by type conveyor, belt width, drive power
Depending on how much cargo (its dimentions) the conveyor line should move, the width of conveyor tape is selected.
It also selects what will determine the speed of movement of the conveyor tape — drive power and its type (direct or through the gear).
The customer provides this information in the questionnaire when ordering the belt conveyor.
From where the conveyor will work, the choice is made of the type of conveyor.If there is a need for constant movement of the conveyor, then choice for a mobile belt conveyor.
If the transporting device will work in stationary mode, then a stationary type of moving device will be the natural choice.
In favor of the stationary conveyor says its low cost, compared to the mobile instalation of the belt conveyor of the same class of width of the conveyor belt and the same drive power.
For the right choise of type of conveyor belt it is necessary to take into account many factors: the type of cargo being moved, the length of the conveyor line, the angle of the inclination and the speed of movement of the belt, the operation conditions of the conveyor (street or indoors).
Depending on the angle of inclination of the belt conveyor, the decision is made to install scrapers on the conveyor belt.